English Literature

Time: 12 minute
Marks: 20
Serial Question
1 The Silent Woman was written by -
a) John Milton
b) Ben Jonson
c) Alexander Pope
d) Jonathan Swift
Ans: 2
2 Lycidas is a -
a) Epic
b) Elegy
c) Prose
d) Poetic Drama
Ans: 2
3 Paradise Lost was published in which year ?
a) 1663
b) 1665
c) 1667
d) 1669
Ans: 3
4 Which of the following works was not written by Jonathan Swift ?
a) A Modest Proposal
b) A Tale ofa Tub
c) The Battle of Book
d) Tom Jones
Ans: 4
5 What is the height of the men in Liliput ?
a) Five Inches
b) Six Inches
c) Seven Inches
d) Eight Inches
Ans: 2
6 Who has written the poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyeard?
a) John Milton
b) Alexander Pope
c) Thomas Gray
d) Ben Johnson
Ans: 3
7 Milton a Poem was written by -
a) John Milton
b) Alexander Pope
c) Ben Johnson
d) William Blake
Ans: 4
8 Which of the following is not a character in Paradise Lost ?
a) Night
b) Agony
c) Discord
d) Death
Ans: 2
9 Who wrote the famous poetic line To err is human to forgive is divine ?
a) Ben Jonson
b) Thomas Gray
c) Alexander Pope
d) John Milton
Ans: 3
10 Who wrote Gulliver's Travels?
a) Ben Jonson
b) Thomas Gray
c) William Blake
d) Jonathan Swift
Ans: 4
11 Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness in the desart air- Who satated ?
a) Thomas Gray
b) Ben Jonson
c) John Milton
d) William Blake
Ans: 1
12 In the mid 1700s who was the first British poet that wrote elegy?
a) Ben Jonson
b) John Milton
c) Alexander Pope
d) Thomas Gray
Ans: 4
13 What is Pope's Poem The Rape of the Lock - based on?
a) Pope's dream
b) a real fact
c) an old legend
d) a rumor
Ans: 2
14 Charms strike the sight but merit strikes the heart -Who stated ?
a) Alexander Pope
b) John Milton
c) Ben Johnson
d) Thomas Gray
Ans: 1
15 The Chimney Sweeper was written by -
a) Thomas Gray
b) William Blake
c) Ben Johnson
d) John Milton
Ans: 2
16 Samson Agonistes is a -
a) Poem
b) Elegy
c) Poetic Drama
d) Prose
Ans: 3
17 The Alchemist was written by-
a) Ben Jonson
b) Jonathan Swift
c) William Blake
d) Thomas Gray
Ans: 1
18 Childhood shows the man as morning shows the day - Who said?
a) Ben Jonson
b) John Milton
c) Alexander Pope
d) Thomas Gray
Ans: 2
19 Famous poem An Essay on Man was written by -
a) Thomas Gray
b) John Milton
c) Alexander Pope
d) William Blake
Ans: 3
20 Marriage of Hell and Haven was written by -
a) John Milton
b) Ben Jonson
c) William Blake
d) Thomas Gray
Ans: 3
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