English Literature

Time: 12 minute
Marks: 20
Serial Question
1 Who said He is not poor that has little, but desire much -
a) Daniel Defoe
b) Jane Austen
c) Sir Philip Sidney
d) E.M Foster
Ans: 1
2 Who is the author of the book Silas Marner ?
a) Jene Austen
b) Sir Philip Sidney
c) Virginia Woolf
d) George Eliot
Ans: 4
3 The New Arabian Nights was written by-
a) George Eliot
b) E.M Foster
c) Daniel Defoe
d) R.L Stevenson
Ans: 4
4 Which of the following books was not written by Charlotte Bronte ?
a) Jane Eyre
b) Shirley
c) The Professor
d) A Little While
Ans: 4
5 Famous book Robinson Cusoe was wartten by -
a) E.M Forster
b) Deniel Defoe
c) Leo Tolstoy
d) George Eliot
Ans: 2
6 Who among the following is not belongs to Victorian Period?
a) R.L Stevenson
b) Charlotte Bronte
c) Leo Tolstoy
d) Jane Austen
Ans: 4
7 One of the four mentioned below is not George Eliot's novel- Which on ?
a) Adam Bede
b) The Mill on the Floss
c) The Birthday Party
d) Middle March
Ans: 3
8 Sonya is a character of which novel ?
a) War and Peace
b) Anna Karenina
c) Childhood
d) Resurrection
Ans: 1
9 Who used the pseudonym Currer Bell ?
a) Jane Austen
b) Charlotte Bronte
c) Virginia Woolf
d) George Eliot
Ans: 2
10 A Room with a View was written by -
a) Leo Tolstoy
b) Virginia Woolf
c) E.M Foster
d) Jane Austen
Ans: 3
11 Who is the autho of the book To the Light House?
a) Jane Austen
b) George Eliot
c) Virginia Woolf
d) Charlotte Bronte
Ans: 3
12 Astrophel and Stella was written by -
a) Daniel Defoe
b) Sir Philip Sidney
c) E.M Foster
d) Virginia Woolf
Ans: 2
13 Which of the following books was not written by Virginia Woolf ?
a) Mrs Dalloway
b) Orlando
c) The Voyage Out
d) Typhoon
Ans: 4
14 What kind of work was Romola -
a) Novel
b) Poem
c) Prose
d) Epic
Ans: 1
15 Friday is one of the main characters of-
a) Robinson Crusoe
b) War nad Peace
c) Jane Eyre
d) The Treasure Island
Ans: 1
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