English Literature

Time: 25 Minutes
Marks: 50
Serial Question
1 ১০% মুনাফায় ৩০০০ টাকা এবং ৮% মুনাফায় ২০০০ টাকা বিনিয়োগ করলে মোট মূলধনের উপর গড়ে শতকরা কত হারে মুনাফা পাওয়া যাবে?
a) ৯%
b) ৯.২%
c) ৮%
d) ৮.২
Ans: 2
2 কোন আসল ৩ বছরে মুনাফা-আসলে ৫৫০০ টাকা হয়। মুনাফা আসলের ৩/৮ অংশ হলে মুনাফার হার কত?
a) ১০%
b) ১২.৫%
c) ১৫%
d) ১২%
Ans: 2
3 বার্ষিক শতকরা ১০% হারে ১০০০ টাকার ২ বছর পর সরল ও চক্রবৃদ্ধি মুনাফার পার্থক্য কত?
a) ১০ টাকা
b) ১১ টাকা
c) ১২ টাকা
d) ১২.৫ টাকা
Ans: 1
4 ৫০০ টাকার ৪ বছরের সুদ এবং ৬০০ টাকার ৫ বছরের সুদ একত্রে ৫০০ টাকা হলে সুদের হার কত?
a) ৫%
b) ৬%
c) ১০%
d) ১২%
Ans: 3
5 শতকরা বার্ষিক যে হারে কোন মূলধন ৬ বছরে সুদেমূলে দ্বিগুন হয় সেই হারে কত টাকা ৪ বছরে সুদেমূলে ২০৫০ টাকা হবে?
a) ১২২৫
b) ১২৩০
c) ১২৪০
d) ১২৪৫
Ans: 2
6 Which of the following books was not written by Virginia Woolf ?
a) Mrs Dalloway
b) Orlando
c) The Voyage Out
d) Typhoon
Ans: 4
7 One of the four mentioned below is not George Eliot's novel- Which on ?
a) Adam Bede
b) The Mill on the Floss
c) The Birthday Party
d) Middle March
Ans: 3
8 Who is the author of the book Silas Marner ?
a) Jene Austen
b) Sir Philip Sidney
c) Virginia Woolf
d) George Eliot
Ans: 4
9 Which of the following books was not written by Sir Walter Scott ?
a) Ivan Hoe
b) Patriotism
c) The Talisman
d) Pamela
Ans: 4
10 Who is the dramatist that introduced blank verse as a form of dramatic expression in his plays?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Christopher Marlowe
c) G.B Shaw
d) None of them
Ans: 2
11 The Battle of Books was written by-
a) D.H Lawrence
b) John Bunyan
c) Jonathan Swift
d) John Milton
Ans: 3
12 One of the four mentioned below is not P.B Shelly's poem- Which on ?
a) Ozymandias
b) When Soft Voices Die `
c) Ode to Fancy
d) Ode to Skylark
Ans: 3
13 Mending Wall was written by -
a) G.B Shaw
b) Edmund Spenser
c) Robert Frost
d) Earnest Hamingway
Ans: 3
14 Which of the following works was not written by Charles Dickens-
a) The Bleak House
b) Hard Times
c) The Pickwick Papers
d) `Pygmalion
Ans: 4
15 Who is the author of The Trumpet Major ?
a) Charles Dickens
b) Earnest Hamingway
c) George Bernard Shaw
d) Thomas Hardy
Ans: 4
16 The Ring of the Book was written by -
a) William Wordsworth
b) S.T Coleridge
c) Mathew Arnold
d) Robert Brwoning
Ans: 4
17 Wordsworth became a Poet Laureate in-
a) 1842
b) 1843
c) 1848
d) 1852
Ans: 2
18 Who wrote the famous poem The Second Coming ?
a) William Wordsworth
b) S.T Coleridge
c) T.S Eliot
d) W.B Yeats
Ans: 4
19 Most important feature of a romantic poetry is-
a) Beauty
b) Nature
c) Subjectivity
d) None of them
Ans: 3
20 Famous poem An Essay on Man was written by -
a) Thomas Gray
b) John Milton
c) Alexander Pope
d) William Blake
Ans: 3
21 Song on Shakespeare was written by -
a) Thomas Gray
b) William Blake
c) Ben Johnson
d) John Milton
Ans: 4
22 What is Pope's Poem The Rape of the Lock - based on?
a) Pope's dream
b) a real fact
c) an old legend
d) a rumor
Ans: 2
23 Which of the following is not a character in Paradise Lost ?
a) Night
b) Agony
c) Discord
d) Death
Ans: 2
24 Who has written the poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyeard?
a) John Milton
b) Alexander Pope
c) Thomas Gray
d) Ben Johnson
Ans: 3
25 Which of the following works was not written by Jonathan Swift ?
a) A Modest Proposal
b) A Tale ofa Tub
c) The Battle of Book
d) Tom Jones
Ans: 4
26 The Silent Woman was written by -
a) John Milton
b) Ben Jonson
c) Alexander Pope
d) Jonathan Swift
Ans: 2
27 All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand - Who said ?
a) Macbeth
b) Prince Hamlet
c) Lady Macbeth
d) Claudius
Ans: 3
28 Which is known as Shakespeare's swang song?
a) Hamlet
b) Machbeth
c) The Tempest
d) Twelfth Night
Ans: 3
29 Pilgrim's Progress was written by-
a) William Congreve
b) John Bunyan
c) Samuel Butler
d) John Donne
Ans: 2
30 In what city does A Midsummer Night's Dream take place?
a) London
b) Venice
c) Rome
d) Athens
Ans: 4
31 In which play would you find the character Iago?
a) Romeo and Juliet
b) The Tempest
c) Twelfth Night
d) Othello
Ans: 4
32 There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so - is a famous dialogue from
a) Macbeth
b) Othello
c) Julias Caeser
d) Hamlet
Ans: 4
33 Which one is a Metaphor ?
a) He is as good as his father
b) He is the sort of the family
c) She sing like a cuckoo
d) She feels that life is a fashion show
Ans: 4
34 Ballad is -
a) a kind of short narrative poem
b) a kind of short condoling poem
c) a kind of short love poem
d) a rhymic verse
Ans: 1
35 Alone, alone, all, alone Alone on a wide, wide sea. is an example of -
a) Assonance
b) Aside
c) Anaphora
d) Apostrophe
Ans: 1
36 In which century was the Victorian period ?
a) 17th Century
b) 18th Century
c) 19th Century
d) 20th Century
Ans: 3
37 The greatest modern English Dramatist is -
a) William Shakespeare
b) G.B Shaw
c) P.B Shelley
d) S.T Coleridge
Ans: 2
38 Virginia Woolf belogns to -
a) The Edwardian Period
b) The Gerogian Period
c) The Post Modern Period
d) None of them
Ans: 2
39 Who is the poet of the Victorian poet ?
a) Helen Keller
b) Matthew Arnold
c) Lord Byron
d) Thomas Gray
Ans: 2
40 Who among the following is not novelist?
a) Thomas More
b) Jane Austen
c) Joseph Conrad
d) Mathew Arnold
Ans: 4
41 One of the four mentioned below is not a prose writer. Who is he ?
a) Jhon Wycliffe
b) Sir Thomas Malory
c) Jermy Taylor
d) Thomas More
Ans: 4
42 Romantic period of English literature refers to -
a) 1700-1798
b) 1798-1832
c) 1832-1901
d) 1901-1939
Ans: 2
43 Every day, every night, in every way , I am getting better and better - An example of -
a) Alliteration
b) Allegory
c) Allusion
d) Anaphora
Ans: 4
44 Who among the following is not an Irish writer?
a) Oscar Wilde
b) James Joyce
c) Samuel Beckett
d) Sir Arthur Conan Doyel
Ans: 4
45 The repetition of beginning consonant sound is known as-
a) Personification
b) onnomatopoeia
c) alliteration
d) rhyme
Ans: 3
46 The Faerie Queene is a -
a) Elegy
b) Epic
c) Sonnet
d) Poem
Ans: 2
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