English Literature

Important Writers 1+2

Time: 12 minute
Marks: 20

ID Question
1 Who wrote the poem The Canonization?
a)  Robert Browing
b)  John Donne
c)  John Dryden
d)  Lord Alfred Tennyson
2 The Night Piece to Julia is a famous lyric by -
a)  Lord Tennyson
b)  John Donne
c)  Robert Herrick
d)  John Webster
3 Preface to Shakespeare was written by-
a)  Dr. Samuel Jonson
b)  John Dryden
c)  Andrew Marvel
d)  Lord Alfred Tennyson
4 Who is called Glorious John ?
a)  John Donne
b)  John milton
c)  John Dryden
d)  John Webster
5 Which of the following books was not written by Sir Walter Scott ?
a)  Ivan Hoe
b)  Patriotism
c)  The Talisman
d)  Pamela
6 George & Tom are famous character of William Somerset Maugham in -
a)  The Luncheon
b)  The Ant and Grasshopper
c)  Of Human Bondage
d)  Christmas Holidy
7 Which of the following books was not written by William Somerset Maugham ?
a)  The Letter
b)  The Bread Winner
c)  The Sacred Flame
d)  Woman in Love
8 Who wrote the short story The Captain Doll ?
a)  D.H Lawrence
b)  Thomas Hardy
c)  Robert Browning
d)  William Somerset Maugham
9 Which of the following books was not written by William Makepeace Thackeray ?
a)  Catherine
b)  Vanity Fair
c)  The Newcomes
d)  Far From the Madding Crowd
10 Who is the author of the book Cabbage and Kings?
a)  Robert Brwoning
b)  William Sydney Porter
c)  Thomas Hardy
d)  William Somerset Maugham
11 Eustacia is a character of -
a)  Tess of the D'urbervilles
b)  Jude the Obscure
c)  The Mayor of Caster Bridge
d)  The Return of the Native
12 Who introduced Dramatic Monologue in his poems-
a)  Lord Alfred Tennyson
b)  John Donne
c)  Robert Browning
d)  John Dryden
13 A Doll's House was written by -
a)  Dr. Samuel Jonson
b)  Sir Thomas Malory
c)  Henrik Ibsen
d)  Thomas Hardy
14 Who is called Father of Metaphysical Poetry -
a)  Lord Alfred Tennyson
b)  John Donne
c)  John Dryden
d)  None of them
15 The Devil's Law Case by John Webster is a -
a)  tragedy
b)  allegory
c)  satire
d)  comedy
16 In To Daffodils human life is compared with -
a)  sunset
b)  flowing river
c)  morning's dew
d)  graying hair
17 My Last Duchess was written by
a)  Lord Alfred Tennyson
b)  John Donne
c)  Robert Browning
d)  Henrik Ibsen
18 Who is the author of the book Of Human Bondage ?
a)  Thomas Hardy
b)  O Henry
c)  William Somerset Maugham
d)  D.H Lawrence
19 Vanity Fair was written by -
a)  William Makepeace Thackeray
b)  William Somerset Maugham
c)  Thomas Hardy
d)  D.H Lawrence
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