English Language

Number, Gender, Phrase etc.

Time: 12 Minutes
Marks: 20

ID Question
1 Plural form of ' Phenomenon ' is
a)  Phenomene
b)  Phenomena
c)  Phenomean
d)  Phanaminas
2 The plural form of ' Oasis ' is :
a)  oasises
b)  oasis
c)  oasess
d)  oases
3 What is the plural form of radius?
a)  radiuses
b)  radium
c)  radii
d)  raduisis
4 What is the plural of the word ' index ' ?
a)  indices
b)  indexes
c)  index
d)  indexs
5 Which one is plural ?
a)  Actress
b)  princess
c)  Mistress
d)  Princesses
6 The child cried for - mother .
a)  his
b)  her
c)  its
d)  none
7 The correct spelling is -
a)  a) transfigurasion
b)  b) transfigeration
c)  c) transfeaguration
d)  d) transfiguration
8 Choose the word that is missplled .
a)  a) diarhoea
b)  b) cholera
c)  c) dehydration
d)  d) typhoid
9 Choose the correct spelling
a)  a) fience
b)  b) parallal
c)  c) privelidge
d)  d) archipelago
10 Choose the incorrect spelled word .
a)  a) infatuation
b)  b) spaniel
c)  c) numerical
d)  d) familliar
11 Which one is correct ?
a)  a) enterpreneoure
b)  b) entrepreneure
c)  c) entrepranour
d)  d) enterprenur
12 Which one is the correct spelling ?
a)  a) exaggeration
b)  b) exagaration
c)  c) exaggarasion
d)  d) exagiration
13 Select the correct spelling ?
a)  a) Expedient
b)  b) Expadient
c)  c) Expodiant
d)  d) Expedeint
14 Choose the correctly spelled words ?
a)  a) Ambassy
b)  b) Ambessyn
c)  c) Embassy
d)  d) Embessy
15 I have butterflies in my stomach means __
a)  a) I am confident
b)  b) I am nervous
c)  c) I am delighted
d)  d) I am sad
16 Cry wolf means ___
a)  a) show anger
b)  b) bare ones teeth
c)  c) clear the road
d)  d) give a false alarm
17 Catch sight of means _
a)  a) see for a moment
b)  b) paying attention
c)  c) discover
d)  d) become popular
18 Cut to the quick means __
a)  a) to cut into two pices
b)  b) to cut quickly
c)  c) to cut at a reasonable
d)  d) to hurt intensely
19 BY and large means _
a)  a) very far awy
b)  b) mostly
c)  c) everywhere
d)  d) far away
20 Call in question means __
a)  problem
b)  die
c)  doubt
d)  optimum
21 Something capable of being done.
ক) Tenable
খ) Explicable
গ) Feasible
ঘ) Probable
22 The study of insects
ক) Etymology
খ) Entomology
গ) Zoology
ঘ) Anthropology
23 One who walks in sleep
ক) Somnambulist
খ) Altruist
গ) Egoist
ঘ) Ventriloquist
24 Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence
ক) Hierarchy
খ) Protocol
গ) Diplomacy
ঘ) Statesmanship
25 A group of three books, films, etc that have the same subject or characters
ক) Trinity
খ) Trilogy
গ) Trio
ঘ) Tripod
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